The Whirlpool trademark has become popular for a long time due to the durability and functionality of its user-friendly refrigerators. Innovative energy-saving technologies are used that allow refrigerators to work for a long time without breakdowns. But even such reliable appliances can break and refuse to freeze or cool. The main reason for the breakdown of whirlpool brand devices is improper operation. This cause can be eliminated on your own by reading the operating instructions and following all the points indicated. The next reason could be the freezer temperature sensor. In case of a malfunction, the control module will not start the compressor in time to maintain the required temperature. The problem may be eliminated by replacing the Whirlpool refrigerator freezer temperature sensor. Next step requires professional assistance. A specialist needs to check the bypass valve. This is a unit that regulates the supply of cold air to the refrigerator or freezer. If it jams, then there will be no cooling in one of the chambers. It is necessary to replace it in order to restore fridge working capacity. Over time, the motor itself can suffer damage and wear and tear after years of use. If this happens there could be a short in the motor’s electrical components which is forcing the motor to continually run even when it is clear there is no thermostat damage, airflow issues or condenser buildup. This is the least likely scenario, but it can happen with fridges that have seen decades of continual use. You can use a multimeter to check for a short in the wiring by touching the probes on the reader to the wiring terminals on your compressor motor and using the readings (which vary depending on make/manufacturer of multimeter) to see if there is a short or bad lead/terminal. If there is, professional help is required to replace the motor. Condenser fans are used on all freezers where the condensers are located inside the compressor compartment to force air through the coils. The condenser fan comes on every time the compressor starts up and runs throughout the compressor cycle. Many times dirt will get in the motor's bearing and prevent the fan from starting and running. If the fan does not start with the compressor, unplug the appliance and try turning the fan blade by hand. If it does not turn freely, try shooting some penetrating oil between the shaft and the bearings, and try running the fan again. The penetrating oil may cure the problem. If the fan turns freely, the motor windings may have become opened. You can take a continuity reading through them with a digital multimeter (DMM) or you can use a 110-V jumper cord to test the motor by attaching the clips to the motor leads and plugging the test cord into the wall outlet. If the fan runs, you have a break somewhere in the fan wiring circuit.
November 26, 2023
AC is leaking from the coil – HVAC Troubleshooting in San Diego
Have you encountered a leaking air conditioner? This causes not the most pleasant feelings and deprives you of comfort. Before solving this problem, you should determine what exactly became the source of the air conditioner flow.