A not drying Miele dryer won’t be your pain in the neck if you keep proper maintenance and take care of regular cleaning. Nevertheless, when you experience the situation, don’t be upset as there is a solution. Before checking the parts for a failure, make sure the dryer gets enough power and it is normally plugged in. If your Miele dryer uses a venting system, vent clogs can also limit airflow and elongate drying times. Dryer maintenance tips include cleaning dryer vents every 6-12 months to prevent clogs that can lessen airflow and increase the risk of dryer fires. A Miele dryer not drying properly can also be due to pinches or kinks that can also restrict airflow. Before cleaning, check for pinching and replace any venting that may be damaged. Locate the dryer duct. Disconnect the dryer’s power cord. Pull venting away from the wall. Use an expandable dryer vent brush to brush out the venting’s interior. Be sure to include the duct opening on the outside of the house as well. Use a dustpan and broom to sweep up dust and debris. Reconnect venting and power cord and reposition dryer. If cleaning doesn’t solve the issue, it’s time to contact a Pro and replace defective parts. Give us a call to get the best service at a convenient time!

November 26, 2023
AC is leaking from the coil – HVAC Troubleshooting in San Diego
Have you encountered a leaking air conditioner? This causes not the most pleasant feelings and deprives you of comfort. Before solving this problem, you should determine what exactly became the source of the air conditioner flow.