The Samsung dryer may fail if the operating conditions are violated. The most common malfunction is overheating of the dryer: when loading linen, you need to take into account weight and avoid overloading. When owners do not follow these simple rules, the dryer can overheat and the drive belt breaks down. The condensate should be cleaned regularly, it is an important step as fluff and dust can clog the condensate channels, which can lead to overheating of the dryer. To clean the compartment, remove it and collect all the dirt, it is better to rinse it with water under strong pressure. Clogged condensate ducts will also cause the dryer to overheat. To avoid repairing the dryer, all maintenance requirements must be followed. Refuse to dry oversized, too wet items in the dryer and do not overfill the drum. For the best drying effect, use the dryer programs for the fabrics respectively. Drain the condensation tank regularly. Check drum rollers to make sure they are not damaged. The drum support roller holds the dryer drum in place as it turns. A damaged or worn support roller bearing typically makes a scraping or squealing noise, and the drum may make quick thumping sounds if the support roller has a flat spot. There are several simple tips to keep efficient functioning. Dry towels and heavier cottons in a separate load from lighter-weight clothes. Do not over-dry your clothes. If your machine has a moisture sensor, use it. Clean the lint screen in the dryer after every load to improve air circulation and prevent fire hazards. Periodically, use the long nozzle tip on your vacuum cleaner to remove the lint that collects below the lint screen in the lint screen slot of your clothes dryer. Use the cool-down cycle to allow the clothes to finish drying with the heat remaining in the dryer. Periodically inspect your dryer vent to ensure it is not blocked. This will save energy and may prevent a fire.

November 26, 2023
AC is leaking from the coil – HVAC Troubleshooting in San Diego
Have you encountered a leaking air conditioner? This causes not the most pleasant feelings and deprives you of comfort. Before solving this problem, you should determine what exactly became the source of the air conditioner flow.