The last thing you expect to see is a leaky washer. Samsung washer will serve you for a long time if you take care of the appliance. A leaking washing machine drain hose is usually to blame for the mess, but they are much more than just an inconvenience. A broken washing machine drain hose can cause catastrophic damage to your property and expensive repair bills. Don’t try to ignore the leak or fix it temporarily, water will continue pouring into your home. This issue needs a proven and effective solution. It’s important to fix a leaking washing machine hose as quickly as possible and look for the signs when your hose is aging to prevent a break from happening in the first place. Your washing machine drain hose is consumable; it only lasts about five years before it needs to be replaced. Even if your hose still looks like it's in prime condition, the deterioration may not be evident on the outside until it actually cracks. Replace a defective hose as soon as possible. Disconnect your washer machine from the power source and either open the cabinet or unscrew the access panel from the back. The inside of a washer contains many internal hoses, so make sure to check each for any signs of damage that could be causing the leak. If you currently have rubber hoses, consider switching them out for steel braided options. Older, rubber styles are more likely to break than steel braided hoses. Help yourself remember the last time you replaced your hoses by writing the installation date on the hose so you can stay on track with replacements. Remember to check out all your appliances at least two times annually. That is a step towards proper and efficient maintenance.

November 26, 2023
AC is leaking from the coil – HVAC Troubleshooting in San Diego
Have you encountered a leaking air conditioner? This causes not the most pleasant feelings and deprives you of comfort. Before solving this problem, you should determine what exactly became the source of the air conditioner flow.