Your Viking oven as any other oven may feel difficulties with proper functioning one day. The right decision will be to call a professional repair technician to track the issue very precisely. Still, the owners could try fixing themselves. Just make sure there are all necessary tools. Start a diagnostic with igniters check. The igniters on the gas stove can malfunction, preventing the burners from activating. You can fix this problem quickly. Access the gas valve behind the stove. Pull the stove from the wall, if necessary, to reach the valve. Turn the valve off. This valve stops the flow of gas to the stove for added safety during troubleshooting. Locate the malfunctioning igniter on the stove. Sealed gas burners will have an igniter visible on the top of the stove. Standard gas stoves require you to lift the stove top upward to access the ignitors underneath; the top has hinges and a propping post to keep the stove open for troubleshooting. Rub a toothbrush across the malfunctioning ignitor to remove any residue. The majority of ignitor problems involve residue buildup; food can easily spill onto the ignitor, covering its sparking components. Insert a needle into the ignitor's pilot hole, if equipped. Carefully move the needle within the hole to remove residue. Brush the residue away with a toothbrush. Brush the metal ground that normally extends above the ignitor with a toothbrush, if equipped. This ground point helps with spark generation and must be clean as well. Wipe away the brushed residue from the ignitors with a rag. Visually inspect the ignitor area; there should be no residue left near the ignitors. Close the stove's hinged top, if applicable. Turn on the gas valve behind the stove. Activate the ignitors with the stove's knobs and observe the burners. They should light quickly and work normally. It’s not recommended to do the oven repair by yourself as it can be dangerous.

November 26, 2023
AC is leaking from the coil – HVAC Troubleshooting in San Diego
Have you encountered a leaking air conditioner? This causes not the most pleasant feelings and deprives you of comfort. Before solving this problem, you should determine what exactly became the source of the air conditioner flow.