As a rule the oven that doesn’t light goes into a rubbish bin. We can persuade you that you have to give your appliance a chance for the second life and we will teach you how. The ignitor is a very fragile thing, whether it’s the round or the flat type. It works like a chain reaction: turning on the oven sends electricity to the igniter, causing it to heat red-hot. This makes the two metals in the oven safety valve contort enough to open the valve and set the gas aflame. This chain reaction takes about 60 seconds in a working oven. And a persistently cold oven could be the result of any break along the chain. A burner that won’t light could be connected to an igniter with no power coming into its circuit. Have a repairperson check the circuit for electricity, since this is a live voltage check. If there is indeed power coming to the igniter, and it is an open circuit, a multi-meter can be used to run a continuity check. It may be that, while the igniter is glowing, it’s still insufficiently hot to open the valve: this can be checked by your repairperson with an amp meter. A defective igniter can’t be repaired: replacement is the only option. Still not sure which part is broken? We can offer you custom troubleshooting help if you arrange an appointment.
November 26, 2023
AC is leaking from the coil – HVAC Troubleshooting in San Diego
Have you encountered a leaking air conditioner? This causes not the most pleasant feelings and deprives you of comfort. Before solving this problem, you should determine what exactly became the source of the air conditioner flow.